Engravings of XVIII century
/ 37 engravings-
The Terrace.
The Market on the Molo.
Bacchanalia. 1764.
An Animal Found Dead in the So-called Kirchheim Forests in Styria. 1736.
Portrait of Polish King Augustus III.
A Deer Killed near the Vagna Palace in Styria. 1744.
Young Beggar.
A Young Peasant. 1751.
Landscape in the Outskirts of Rome. 1767.
Fishing Village in Normandy.
Portrait of Gédéon Berbier du Mets. 1700–1702.
Portrait of Cardinal Guillaume Dubois. 1724.
Portrait of Count Philipp Ludwig Wenzel von Sinzendorf. 1730.
Portrait of the Abbot Pierre Mayeur. 1745.
Portrait of Maria Leszczyńska, Queen of France. 1755.
Portrait of Galileo Galilei. 1773
Three Oriental Heads. 1780
Three Oriental Heads. 1780
Marriage A-la-Mode.
View of the Church of San Giacomo di Rialto in Venice.
The Market in Dolo.
Portrait of Jean-Antoine de Mesmes, Comte d'Avaux. 1713.
Portrait of Archbishop Jacques-Nicolas Colbert. 1691–1707.
Cavaliers en maraude.
The abdication of the Apostle Peter (Le Reniement de St. Pierre). Ca. 1754
Flemish cart (Le chariot de Flandre).
Portrait of Count Heinrich von Brühl. 1750
Coronation of Esther by Artaxerxes. 1783.
Mordecai refuses to bow the knee to Haman. 1784.
Haman is arrested by order of Artaxerxes. Ca. 1784.
Landscape with Diogenes. 1701.
Infidelity. 1729.
Bacchus and Ariadne.
The Sleeping Bacchantes (Les Bacchantes endormies). 1764.
Mark Curtius. 1729.
Portrait of François le Chambrier. 1736.
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