Portrait of François le Chambrier. 1736.
After the original by H. Rigaud. 1704.
Engraving. 343 x 240.
The margins are cropped.
Along the perimeter of the oval frame is the inscription: MESRE FRANÇOIS LE CHAMBRIERCHEV.R CONER D’ETAT ET MAIRE DE LA VILLE DE NEUCHATEL PR SA MAJESTÉ LE ROY DE PRUSSE; below, on both sides of the coat of arms: Mort en 1730 agé de 67 ans.; below, on the console, there are poems in two columns: Le mortel dont on voit les traits... Le defpenseur, l'appui, l'ornement, les délices.
The author of the engraving was established on the basis of a comparison with a similar engraving by E. Desrochers, which is in the Albertina collection (Vienna).
The original by H. Rigaud is in a private collection in Switzerland.
Inv. G 386.
Literature: [Heinecken, Carl Heinrich von]. Dictionnaire des artistes dont nous avons des estampes, avec une notice détaillée de leurs ouvrages gravés. Leipzig, 1790. T. 4: Cec-Diz. P. 626; Inventaire BNF XVIIIe s., t. 7, p. 204, № 331; Catalogue raisonné des oeuvres de Hyacinthe Rigaud. – Access mode: http://www.hyacinthe-rigaud.com/catalogue-raisonne-hyacinthe-rigaud/gravures/1429-chambrier-francois-de
Rigaud, Hyacinthe (1659, Perpignan, France – 1743, Paris) – French artist of Catalan origin, the most prominent portraitist of the era of Louis XIV.
Chambrier, François le (1663–1730) – mayor of Neuchâtel and state adviser of the King of Prussia.
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