The old engraving
culture heritage of Ukraine

Bacchanalia. 1764.

Bacchanalia. 1764.

From the original by G. Carpioni.

Etching. 320 × 460.

Under the image: Giulio Carpioni inv. e depin.; Giac. Leonardis delin. e scol. 1764. L’originale esiste dal conte Algarotti in Venezia. In the center: Steso al suol, di Lieo ricolmo il seno | Giace tra feste, e suoni il buon Sileno. Below: Appresso Giac. Leonardis in Venezia.

Inv. G 513.

Carpioni, Giulio (1613–1678) is an Italian painter and etcher of the early Baroque era. He painted historical plots on the topic of sacred history, bacchanalia.

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