Portrait of Count Philipp Ludwig Wenzel von Sinzendorf. 1730.
![Portrait of Count Philipp Ludwig Wenzel von Sinzendorf. 1730.](https://odnb.odessa.ua/gravures/storage/gravures/maxres/29_20181010162002.jpg)
After the original by H. Rigaud. 1728.
Engraving, etching. 500 x 378.
Under the image: PHILIPPUS LUDOVICUS COMES A SINZENDORF…. In the lower corners of the print, on the left: Hyacintus Rigaud Eques ordinis Sti Michaelis pinxit.; on the right: Claudius Drevet sculptcit Parisiis.
The painting original by H. Rigaud is kept in the Art and History Museum of Vienna (Austria).
Inv. G 342.
Literature: Le Blanc, t. 2, p. 141, № 14; Firmin-Didot. Les Drevet, p. 124, № 15 (IV стан з чотирьох); Inventaire BNF XVIIIe s., t. 7, p. 307, № 10 (III state out of three); Catalogue raisonné des oeuvres de Hyacinthe Rigaud. – Access mode: http://www.hyacinthe-rigaud.com/catalogue-raisonne-hyacinthe-rigaud/gravures/814-wenzel-von-sinzendorf-philip-ludwig.
Rigaud, Hyacinthe (1659, Perpignan, France – 1743, Paris) – French artist of Catalan origin, the most prominent portraitist of the era of Louis XIV.
Sinzendorf, Philipp Ludwig Wenzel (1671–1742) – count, Austrian diplomat and statesman.
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