The old engraving
culture heritage of Ukraine

Portrait of Count Philipp Ludwig Wenzel von Sinzendorf. 1730.

Portrait of Count Philipp Ludwig Wenzel von Sinzendorf. 1730.

After the original by H. Rigaud. 1728.
Engraving, etching. 500 x 378.
Under the image: PHILIPPUS LUDOVICUS COMES A SINZENDORF…. In the lower corners of the print, on the left: Hyacintus Rigaud Eques ordinis Sti Michaelis pinxit.; on the right: Claudius Drevet sculptcit Parisiis.
The painting original by H. Rigaud is kept in the Art and History Museum of Vienna (Austria).
Inv. G 342.
Literature: Le Blanc, t. 2, p. 141, № 14; Firmin-Didot. Les Drevet, p. 124, № 15 (IV стан з чотирьох); Inventaire BNF XVIIIe s., t. 7, p. 307, № 10 (III state out of three); Catalogue raisonné des oeuvres de Hyacinthe Rigaud. – Access mode:

Rigaud, Hyacinthe (1659, Perpignan, France – 1743, Paris) – French artist of Catalan origin, the most prominent portraitist of the era of Louis XIV.

Sinzendorf, Philipp Ludwig Wenzel (1671–1742) – count, Austrian diplomat and statesman.

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