The engraving is a unique part of the cultural memory of mankind
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Portrait of François le Chambrier. 1736.
Mark Curtius. 1729.
The Sleeping Bacchantes (Les Bacchantes endormies). 1764.
Bacchus and Ariadne.
Infidelity. 1729.
Landscape with Diogenes. 1701.
Haman is arrested by order of Artaxerxes. Ca. 1784.
Mordecai refuses to bow the knee to Haman. 1784.
Coronation of Esther by Artaxerxes. 1783.
Portrait of Count Heinrich von Brühl. 1750
Flemish cart (Le chariot de Flandre).
The abdication of the Apostle Peter (Le Reniement de St. Pierre). Ca. 1754
Cavaliers en maraude.
Portrait of Archbishop Jacques-Nicolas Colbert. 1691–1707.
Views of Odesa. [Album]. Counteroffensive against two English steamers near the coast of Odesa, April 30, 1854. Mid-1850s.