Books printed in any language during 1861-1945.

Novitskiy Ya. P. People's memory of tracts and historical persons of Zaporozhye : legends and stories collected in Yekaterinoslavshchina, 1875-1905 / Ya. P. Novitskiy. – Aleksandrovsk : Printing house at the school for the deaf-mute, 1909. – 54 p.
The book "People's memory of tracts and historical persons of Zaporizhzhia: legends and stories collected in Yekaterinoslavshchina, 1875-1905" of Yakov Pavlovich Novitskiy (1847-1925), Ukrainian folklorist, historian and teacher, is a continuation of his earlier published materials "Malorussian and Zaporozhian antiquities" (1907), "Malorussian folk legends, tales and stories" (1907), "Zaporozhian and Haidamac treasures" (1908).
The author, in carefully collected and systematized texts, reveals the rich historical heritage of the region through the prism of tales, legends and historical stories that reflect the folk memory of historical events and prominent personalities of the region from 1875 to 1905.
The collection consists of two sections. The first section contains a classification of legends about the tracts on the right and left banks of the Dnipro River that once served as a refuge for the Cossacks, about steppe rivers, graves, etc.; the second section contains legends about historical figures sung in folk poetry. Both sections contain many interesting memories from the past of the Wild Field, about its nomads, first colonizers, etc.
This publication is a valuable source for studying the history and culture of the Zaporizhzhia region and a testament to the importance of preserving and passing on cultural heritage to future generations.
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