Books printed in any language during 1861-1945.

Rusov A. A. Description of Chernigov province. Vol. 1 / compiled on behalf of the Provincial Zemstvo by A. A. Rusov, member of Imperial Russian geographical society [with his preface]. – Chernigov : Publishing house of "Zemsky Sbornik Chernigov province". Printing house of Province Zemstvo, 1898. – XI, 97, 437, 123 p., [15] leaves of plates. : tables, maps. – In the book: maps of Chernihiv province with various geological data.
The work "Description of Chernigov Province" by Oleksandr Oleksandrovych Rusov (1847-1915), a Ukrainian provincial statistician, ethnographer, folklorist, and public figure, is an important source of information about the historical, geographical, and natural features of Chernihiv province. The publication includes the history of the province's formation, its borders, hydrographic and climatic aspects, as well as a geological overview and soil characteristics. The author describes in detail the distribution of land by use, forest resources, vegetation, agricultural and cattle-breeding activities in the province, and other aspects. The publication also contains maps of Chernihiv province with various geological data. This book will be a useful source for researchers of natural resources and history of the Chernihiv region.
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