Personalities Duflos, Claude (Duflos father)
1665, Cousy-le-Chateau – 1727, Paris
Engraver. Son of certified royal surgeon Jacques Duflos (1639–1674). It is not known for certain who C. Duflos's teacher was. There is an assumption that he studied with Pierre Giffart (1643-1723). According to some researchers, he was influenced by his contemporary, Pierre Drevet the Elder, in the engraving of portraits. He revived and perfected the stipple engraving technique, which he used to convey the image of a naked body. He left more than 300 works, including portraits, engravings on religious themes, book illustrations, vignettes, exlibris, etc. Two of his thirteen children became engravers: Claude-Augustin Duflos (1700–1786) and Nicolas-Simon Duflos (c. 1704–1761).
- Claudius, Roman emperor.
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