The old engraving
culture heritage of Ukraine
Views of Odesa. [Album]. The explosion of the English steamer “Tiger” near the village of Kortatsi on 30 April 1854. Mid-1850s.

Views of Odesa. [Album]. The explosion of the English steamer “Tiger” near the village of Kortatsi on 30 April 1854. Mid-1850s.

Tone lithographies.

Odesa, lithographic workshop of P. Franzow and L. Nitche.

15 sheets; 190 x 250.

Inv. G 2.

Album in the owner's dark green leather binding of the mid-nineteenth century. The upper cover has a gold-embossed floral ornament with an inscription in the centre: Album. The leaf sections are gilt. Inscriptions on the flyleaf: E. M. Petrocokino (mid-nineteenth century); От Екатерины Корнелиевны Петрококино. 24/XII 1923 г.

The album comes from the family of a nineteenth-century Greek merchant in Odesa, collector Yevstratii Mykhailovych Petrokokino (1842-1904). After his death, the collection of paintings and drawings passed to his wife, the artist Kateryna Korneliivna Petrokokino, born Bodarevska (1857-1939). In 1925, K. K. Petrokokino emigrated to France. In 1923, she donated an album of lithographies by F. Gross to Odesa City Public Library (now Odesa National Scientific Library).


Tone lithography. 100 х 186.

At the lower edge of the image, on the stone, the artist's monogram: F. G.; under the image, on the left: Въ Лит. Францова и Нитче; on the right: Рис. Ѳ. Гроссъ; in the centre: Взрывъ сидящаго на мели англійскаго парохода-Фрегата Тигръ у хутора Кортаци 30 Апрѣля 1854 года.

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