The old engraving
culture heritage of Ukraine

Christ washing the feet of his apostles. 1550–1570.

Christ washing the feet of his apostles. 1550–1570.

Etching. 308 x 508.

II state with signature of F. Floris.

There is an inscription at the bottom edge of the image in the center: F. Floris in.

Inv. G 562.

Some researchers also call Chrispijn van den Broeck – a student of Frans Floris (British Museum) a possible author of the engraving .

Literature: Nagler G. K. Neues allgemeines Künstler-Lexicon. Bd. 1–22. – München, 1835–1852. – Bd. 4. – p. 380–381; Wurzbach A. von. Niederländisches Künstlerlexikon. Bd. 1–2. – Amsterdam, 1906–1910. – Bd. 1. – p. 541; Bryan M. Dictionary of painters and engravers. Vol. 1–5 / New edition of G. C. Williamson. – London, 1903–1905. Vol. 2. – p. 68; Benezit Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des peintres. T. 1–3. – Paris, 1924. - T. 2. – p. 300; Allgemeines Lexikon der Bildenden Künstler von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Bd. 1–37 / Begründet von Ulrich Thieme und Felix Becker. – Leipzig, 1907–1950. – Bd. 12. - p. 123.

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