Books published in Ukrainian during 1923–1945

P.I. Tchaikovsky in Ukraine: materials and documents / compiled by L.D. Feinstein, O.Y. Shreer, T.M. Tikhonova ; author of the foreword, edited by A.V. Olkhovsky ; Kyiv State Tchaikovsky Conservatory, Department of Music History - Kyiv : Mystetstvo, 1940. 144 p., [6] plates.
The collection includes materials covering the years 1864-1893 - the period from the composer's first visit to Ukraine to the year of his death. These are excerpts from Tchaikovsky's letters, diaries and articles, fragments of newspaper chronicles of Kyiv, Kharkiv and Odesa, reviews and articles in abridged form, memoirs of contemporaries, etc.
A copy of the ONNB in a hardback, in satisfactory condition, all pages are present.
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