Local history collection

Vedomosti of Odessa city administration. – Odessa : printing house, “Vedomosti of Odessa City Administration”, 1917-1919. – Daily newspaper except Mondays and days following major holidays. – Continuation. First year of publication 1868. - 1918
The newspaper “Vedomosti of Odessa City Administration” was published at the office of Odesa city administrator as an official body under a programme approved by the Minister of Internal Affairs. The newspaper was intended to inform citizens about official messages, decisions and initiatives of central and local authorities, as well as to cover the general chronology of events, local news and publish announcements. The newspaper was published in 1868-1920.
The publication was interrupted at № 65 (11/IV/29.III) 1918, and the newspaper “Odesa Visnyk” began to be published instead, which was interrupted at № 200 (18/05.XII) 1918, after which the newspaper “Vedomosti of Odessa City Administration” began to be published again, continuing the numbering of the “Odesa Visnyk”.
During the revolution, the editors of the newspaper were: B. I. Sadovsky (1917, № 1-290), A. D. Roytman (1918, № 1-65), P. B. Manucharov (1918, № 201-217; 1919, № 1-59).