Books published in Ukrainian during 1923–1945

Slastyon O. Martynovych: memories / O. Slastyon; afterword by S. Taranushenko. - Kharkiv: Rukh, 1931. - 174, [2] p., [49] p. fig. : fig. – Circulation of 1,500 approx.
Porfiriy Denisovych Martynovich (1856–1933) – painter, graphic artist, ethnographer, folklorist, dedicated all his work to his native Ukraine. He drew folk types and scenes from folk life, recorded dumas, songs from kobzars, etc. Artist, art critic and ethnographer Opanas Georgiyovych Slastion (Slastion, 1855–1933) noted in the preface to the book that these memories are "a moral and social obligation to me, his old friend, who lived with him for more than one minute, who was always connected with him by personal friendship". The book is completed by an album of black and white reproductions of portraits and drawings by P. Martynovych.
A copy in a hard publisher's binding, in fair condition, all pages present.
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