Allegories of virtues with putti. Ca. 1656
After the drawing by P. Testa.
Etching. 263 x 326.
In the lower left corner: PTesta delineauit.
The author and the title of the etching are determined by means of comparison with a similar etching of G. C. Testa, that is kept in the Carrara Academy (in the Cabinet of Drawings and Prints) (L'Accademia Carrara. Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe) (Bergamo, Italy).
After the sudden death of Pietro Testa in 1650, a lot of his drawings remained, which were published in etchings approximately in 1656 by the French engraver and publisher François Collignon, under the title "Raccolta di diversi disegni di Pietro Testa ritrovati doppo la sua morte dati Collignon». The main engravers of the publication were François Collignon himself and Giovanni Cesare Testa.
Inv. G 500.
Literature: Nagler, Bd. 18, p. 270, № 12 (?).
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