The old engraving
culture heritage of Ukraine

Portrait of Archbishop Arduin de Perefix de Beaumont.

Portrait of Archbishop Arduin de Perefix de Beaumont.

After the original by N. Mignard.
Engraving. 347 x 265.
There is an inscription on the perimeter of the oval frame: HARDVINVS DE PEREFIXE DE BEAVMONT ACHIEPISCOPVS PARIS. VTRIVSQ. ORDINIS CANCELLARIVS; below under the frame, on the left: N. Mignard Avenionensis Pinx.; on the right: N. Pitau sculpsit 1666.
Inv. G 383.
Literature: Le Blanc, t. 3, p. 210, № 28; Wurzbach, Bd. 2, p. 331, № 22.

Mignard, Nicolas (Mignard d'Avignon) (1606, Troyes – 1668, Paris) – french history artist, portraitist.

Péréfixe de Beaumont, Hardouin de (1606–1671) – bishop of Rodez (1648–1662), archbishop of Paris (1662–1671).

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