Local history collection

Odesa County Zemstvo Assembly of the 31st regular session. 30 August - 1 September. 1895 - Odesa: ‘Slavic’ type. N. Chrysogelos, 1895. IV, 112, [2], 104 p. : tables.
Legislation obliged zemstvos, following the example of other collegial bodies, to record resolutions of zemstvo meetings in special journals. Therefore, from the late 1860s, all provincial zemstvos and most of the county zemstvos in Ukraine regularly published official journals of zemstvo meetings, and in some cases, stenographic reports of the meetings. The most important for organising the work of zemstvo institutions were the journals of zemstvo meetings, which recorded all decisions of the zemstvo's governing body.
This publication contains the journals of the Odesa Zemstvo District Assembly for 1895; minutes of the joint meeting of the Odesa City Council and the Odesa Zemstvo District Assembly; zemstvo estimates of expenditures and revenues and the schedule of the district zemstvo fee for the Odesa district for 1896; a list of reports of the Odesa Zemstvo Administration for 1895 and explanatory notes of the administration on various issues of self-government.