Books printed in any language during 1861-1945.

Pavlovskiy I. F. Brief biographical dictionary of scientists and writers of Poltava province since the half of the XVIII century : with portraits / I. F. Pavlovskiy. – Poltava : Publishing house of Poltava Scientific Archival Commission, 1912. – 2, VI, 238 p. : portrait.
The book by Ivan Frantsovych Pavlovskyi (1851-1922), a researcher of the history of Poltava region, archivist, and teacher, is a reference publication dedicated to scholars and writers who made a significant contribution to the development of science, culture, and public life in Poltava region in the period from the mid-eighteenth to the early twentieth century.
The dictionary contains more than 400 short biographical references to scientists and writers, their achievements and role in public life. A valuable feature of the publication is that about 50 entries are autobiographical: Pavlovskyi addressed the individuals directly with a request to submit their own biographical data and lists of works. This adds authenticity and historical accuracy to the publication.
The publication also contains bibliographic sources that allow you to learn more about the creative and scientific activities of each person. The structure of the book in the format of a dictionary is complemented by portraits, which makes it not only informative but also visually attractive.