Books printed in any language during 1861-1945.

Life and creativity of peasants of Kharkov province : essays on ethnography of the region. Т. 1. [Starobelsky uyezd] / edited by V. V. Ivanov. V. Ivanov. – Kharkov : Izd. Khark. Gub. Stat. Committee. Tip. Gub.. Board, 1898. – [4], XXXII, 1012 p.
The book is the first volume of ethnographic research on the culture, life, and folk art of the peasants of Kharkiv province, in particular, Starobilsk district. The work covers various aspects of peasant life: traditional ways of farming, festive and ceremonial customs, folk crafts, oral folk art, household and religious rites. The publication provides an in-depth ethnographic overview of the region, which allows us to better understand the social and cultural characteristics of peasant communities in the late nineteenth century.
This book is an important historical and ethnographic source for researchers, as it contains a large amount of information about the life and worldview of the inhabitants of the Kharkiv province, which not only complements the picture of rural life at that time, but also helps to preserve knowledge about local traditions and culture.
The work contains a detailed article by V. V. Ivanov “Modern Village of Kharkiv Province”, which reveals the socioeconomic situation of the village at that time.
The publication also includes a significant number of Ukrainian folk songs, fairy tales, stories, proverbs, sayings, lamentations, and children's games recorded in local communities, and is accompanied by a “Program for the Reporting of Information on the Ethnography of the Kharkiv Province,” which aims to further collect and systematize ethnographic data about the region.