Book collection MF Komarova (1844-1913)

Domanitskiy V. N., Modern carols and schedrivkas / V. Domanitskiy. – Kiev: Kiev Governorate Com. Stat. Typ. Gov. Board Publishing House, 1905. – p. 33 – There are texts of 26 Ukrainian folk carols and schedrivkas in this book. – Bibliographic index of research, articles, and notes…: p 25-33. – Imprint from Memorial book of Kiev Governorate upon the year 1905.
The compilation by Vasyl Domanytskyi is composed out of short foreword, carol texts (16 positions) and schedrivkas (10 positions), bibliographic index of research upon winter ritual poetry (more than 200 positions). In his foreword, the compiler has noted that a local citizen Ivan Lysak wrote all of the materials down in 1905 in his home village Kolodyste of district Zvenyhorodskyi (Cherkasy Oblast, Umanskyi raion).Domanytskyi has conducted a research of every carol and schedrivka. He also provided a substantial variety of commentaries and references to variants from other famous folklore scholars such as M. Lysenko, P. Chubynskyi, B. Hrinchenko, V. Antonovych and their works; also from own notes of Rovenskyi district or by S. Iefremov or V. Naumenko.
This popular folklore publication had great significance during a process of national revival. Now, it shows the needs of that era in the field of folklore, peculiarities of everyday usage of ritual songs, especially winter ones of a particular region. Modern scholars note the value of this work, as it is still doing its job to assert the preservation of national culture and to encourage descendants to its comprehensive studying.
There were printed 50 copies of this work in total. A copy from Odesa National Scientific Library is a part of M. F. Komarov (1844-1913) collection. He was a famous Ukrainian bibliographer, lexicographer, ethnographer, literary scholar, public and cultural figure.
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