



Shelukhin S. German Colonization / Sergey Shelukhin. – Odessa: Izd. Aktsionernogo Yuzhno-russkogo o-va Pechatny delo, 1914. - 8 [1] p.

This edition of the outstanding Ukrainian scientist, lawyer, historian, public and political figure Serhiy Pavlovych Shelukhin was published in 1914.

The book presents a report by S.P. Shelukhin, which was made at the meeting of the Kyiv Law Society at the Imperial University of St. Volodymyr (November 8, 1914) and at the meeting of the Historical and Philological Society at the Imperial Novorossiysk University (November 22, 1914). The speaker raised the complicated topic of the German colonization of the South and West of Russia, especially the Black Sea coast, outlining the general situation at that time and how it directly affected the native inhabitants of Ukrainian villages.

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