Specialized Schools in Odessa, administered by the Directorate of Public specialized schools of Kherson Province: referential information of 1896/7 school year / publ. under the Directorate of public specialized schools. - Odessa: Print-chromolithogr. Y. I. Fesenko, 1896. - [2], VII, [1], 3-72, XXVIII p.
The Directorate of public specialized schools – the educational and administrative body of Russian Empire, was established in 1874 and closed out in 1918. It administrated elementary and higher elementary specialized schools. The Directorate included: a director who reported directly to the trustee of the school district, and several inspectors in the counties. The main function of the Directorate of public specialized schools was to monitor the "moral and political" upbringing of students of public specialized schools.
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