


Books published in Ukrainian during 1923–1945

Leites A. Renaissance of Ukrainian literature / A. Leites. - Kharkiv: State Printing House. edition of Ukraine named after G.I. Petrovsky, 1925. - 35 p.

he book "Renaissance of Ukrainian Literature" by outstanding Ukrainian literary critic Oleksandr Mykhailovych Leites was published in 1925 in the printing house of Ukrainian State publishing house Petrovsky in Kharkiv. It introduces the reader to the historical way of Ukrainian literature. The author draws attention to the poetry of the Civil War, especially to Volodymyr Sosiura, Pavlo Tychyna, Hnat Mykhailychenko, Vasyl Chumak, Vasyl Ellan, Valerian Polishchuk. These poets came to the Ukrainian literature with the new era - the Renaissance, the era of exuberant joy of life.
The author tells about the appearance and activities of the first strong literary organizations born by this era - "Hart" and "Pluh", which personified historical weight of this era, its power and depth. Mykola Khvyloviy who gave great poetry and prose works full of lyrical images and revolutionary sentiments to the Ukrainian literature became the central figure of Ukrainian proletarian literature in this book.

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