


Books published in Ukrainian during 1801-1922

Balatyuk T. Oxen ; Happiness ; In the house ; Escaped : [stories] / T. Bolotko [pseudonym] – Kyiv : Krynytsia Publishing House. Printing. V. P. Bondarenko and P. F. Hnizdovsky, 1913. 32 p. – (Krynytsia Publishing House ; No. 9.) – On the cover: Oxen.

 Bolotko is the literary pseudonym of the Ukrainian writer T. Balatiuk. His works include several short stories, such as “Oxen,” “Happiness,” “In the House,” and “Ran away,” which were published in 1913 by the Publishing House «Krynytsia». These works reflect the life of Ukrainian peasants and their everyday problems, moral trials, and struggle for a better life.

Through his works, Balatiuk tried to show the complex social conditions of the Ukrainian village, moral dilemmas, and inner experiences of ordinary people. These stories became a significant contribution to Ukrainian literature of the early twentieth century, emphasizing the themes of survival, hope, and human values in the face of difficult life circumstances.

The Publishing House «Krynytsia» played an important role in popularizing Ukrainian literature, especially during the period of national revival, when Ukrainian identity needed to be supported and protected.

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