


Odesʹkyy visnyk

Odesʹkyy visnyk,. - Odessa, 1827-1893. - Political and literary newspaper (1863-1879); political, economic and literary newspaper (1880-1887 to No. 339), - 1852.

The newspaper "Odessa Vestnik" - political, economic and literary periodicals, one of the first newspapers of Odessa and Pivdenny Ukraine, was seen from the 5th of September 1827. twice a week, in Russian and French language "Odessa Bulletin - Journal d'Odessa". Z 1831 p. The Russian part of the bula was seen in the local newspaper. Z 1853 p. went three times a day, from 1863 p. - nicely. The news of the newspaper stuck on the 221st issue of 1893. 

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