


Local history collection

Notes of the Bessarabian Statistical Committee: [in 3 volumes] / editor. A. N. Egunov. - Chisinau: Type. Region board, 1864-1868. Vol. 3. - 1868. - 300, 254, [2] p. : tab.

"Notes of the Bessarabian Statistical Committee" is a collection of materials published from 1864 to 1868 at the initiative of the Bessarabian Regional Statistical Committee. Its editor was the economist and statistician Oleksandr Yegunov (1824-1897). "Notes" are a valuable source of factual materials characterizing the state of industry and agriculture in Bessarabia in the post-reform period (60s-70s of the 19th century). They published statistical information about monastic, patrimonial and peasant lands, Bulgarian and German colonies in Bessarabia, state peasants, etc.

The third volume contains both reprinted (amended and corrected) and original historical and statistical essays about Bessarabia, as well as the publication of Moldavian charters of the 16th-17th centuries relating to the Bessarabian area. The appendix contains a collection of court decisions on local public lawsuits, minutes of the Bessarabian Statistical Committee, and materials of the Second Statistical Congress held in Odessa (May 5-21, 1868).

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