


History and supporting historical disciplines

Nechui-Levytsky I.S. From Olden Times: about Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky / Ivan Levytsky. - Kharkiv: Steam of I.M. Varshavchik, 1902. - 31 p. - (Publ. Com. Kharkiv.Literacy Society ; [No. 77]).

I.S. Nechui-Levytsky (1838-1918) - Ukrainian writer, novelist, playwright, author of artistic, historical and ethnographic essays, literary and art articles. An interesting page of the writer's work is his participation in the writing of historically popular essays and articles, among them - "From Olden Times: about Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky".
The writer illustrates in an clear language one of the important pages of Ukrainian history: the National Liberation War of 1648-1654 against Poland, led by Bohdan Khmelnytsky. The brochure was published by Kharkiv Literacy Society (1869-1920) - the first public cultural organization in eastern Ukraine founded by the advanced intellectuals of Kharkiv aimed to "spread literacy and initial useful knowledge" among people.
A copy of Odesa National Scientific Library was previously stored in the private collection of M.F. Komarov (1844-1913), a famous Ukrainian bibliographer, ethnographer, public figure, as evidenced by the owner’s stamp on cover and title page.

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