


History, Historical Disciplines

Gavriil (Rozanov), archbishop. A Fragment from the Narrative about Novorossiisk Region, Taken from the Original Sources / C.A.P. and K. - Odessa: City. print., 1851. - 53 pp., [1] l. map. - (Sep.excerpt from: Notes of Odessa Society of History and Antiquities. - 1851. - Vol. 3).

Gavriil (Vasyl Fedorovich Rozanov; 1781-1858) - Orthodox church figure, bishop of Katerynoslav (1828-1837, archbishop since 1832), archbishop of Kherson and Tavriia (1837-1848), later Tver and Kashin (1848-1857). Historian and archeologist, researcher of history of Southern Ukraine and Zaporizhia, he is considered to be the first historian of the city of Dnipro (Katerynoslav).
"A Fragment of the Narrative about Novorossiysk Region, Taken from the Original Sources" is the main work of archbishop Gavriil (Rozanov). Clerical rank of the author, his circle of interests, the available files of sources set conditions for the core of this work focused on church history of the region. Among other materials there is a statement about foundation and construction of large cities in Southern Ukraine, compiled from the wide base of historical sources.

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