


Books published in any language during 1801-1860 on the territory of modern Ukraine

[Nicole Ch. D., abbot]. Essay of the Rules of Education in Both Odessa Noble Institutions / [Charles Dominique Nicole]. - Odessa: [City print. house.], 1814. - [2], 27, 11 p. - Auth. established by the publication: Notkina O. Y. Abbot Nicole - the first headmaster of the Richelieu Lyceum: bibliographic index. // Journal of Odesa National University. Series: Library science, bibliography, bibliology. - 2007. - Vol. 12, issue 4. – p. 96-107.

 "Essay of the Rules of Education in Both Odesa Noble Institutions" is considered the first publication in Odesa dated 1814. Despite the fact that the book was published anonymously, its authorship was not a secret for the citizens of Odesa. "Essay" was written by then headmaster of Odesa Noble male institute abbot Nicole (1758-1835), a famous French educator who is known in the history of the city as the first headmaster of the Richelieu Lyceum (1817-1820).

The book is written in the best traditions of classical education. The publication is about the rules of behavior for students in male and female institutes. All the issues of education and life of students, even the smallest ones, were raised: about bedrooms and classrooms, schedules of classes and their duration, about sciences that were taught etc. There are even separate sections for some subjects.

A rare edition.

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