


Local history collection

Chekhovych L.S. New bread harbor in Odesa / L.S. Chekhovych, A.M. Daragan: Lito-typ. I. N. Kushnerev & Co., 1906. 23, [1] p. - Inscribed imprint : Engineer. - 1906. - [Vol. 30, No. 9/10.]

The Bread Harbor in Odesa became an important infrastructure project that began to be planned in the late nineteenth century. Its construction was intended to support grain exports through the port of Odesa, which was already a key trade center in the Black Sea region. The harbor was planned to be located between Naftova and Zavodska harbors. In 1909, a project to modernize the port, including Khlibna Harbor, was approved with a total budget of 70 million rubles. It was supposed to be equipped with modern technical means for loading and storing grain. The actual work began in 1913 under the leadership of engineer Yuliy Bakhmetev. The authors prove the need to create a new port complex for grain exports, justify the importance of this initiative, and present in detail one of the projects that was to include the construction of port facilities and the development of railway infrastructure.

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