


Books published in Ukrainian during 1923–1945

Efremov S. Ivan Franko: critical biographical essay / S. Efremov. - 2nd edition. with addn. - Kyiv: Slovo, 1926. - 256 p.

The critical-biographical essay, written by the Ukrainian public-politician and statesman, literary critic, academician Serhii Efremov, is an overview of the life and creative path of the poet, critic, and publicist Ivan Franko.
Compositionally, the work of S. Efremov consists of four sections, each of which highlights a certain dominant opinion of the researcher. The author defines the main motives of the poet's lyrics: the invincibility and strength of the human spirit in the struggle for a better future for the native people and work.
Revealing the main milestones of the artist's biography, the researcher chooses the most characteristic episodes designed to reveal his psychological portrait. The author notes the evolution of his stylistic manner - from naturalistic means to modernist ones.
The monograph emphasizes the importance of this extraordinary figure in the development of Ukrainian literature. S. Efremov emphasizes that the dominant feature of Ivan Franko's activity is service to his native Ukraine.

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